Facial Fracture Overview
Your face is made up of many bones connected to each other.These include the bones of your orbit (around the eye), zygoma (cheekbones), nose, and jaw. An injury can cause the bones to be broken, may cause damage to the nearby tissue, and could pinch the muscles or nerves around the eyes.
The symptoms of a facial fracture include:
- Pain and/or Swelling
- Bruising
- Numbness
- Visual Problems
Often a facial fracture may be left to heal on its own. No treatment may be necessary if the broken bone stays in normal position, but injuries causing severe fractures may need to be surgically repaired. The surgeon moves the bone(s) back to their normal position. In some cases special wires, screws or plates may be needed to join the bones together.
Patient Instructions
Please read and familiarize yourself with these instructions both BEFORE and AFTER surgery. By following them carefully, you will assist in obtaining the best possible results from your surgery. If questions arise, please contact our physicians or nurses.
- Do not take any aspirin or aspirin-containing, ibuprofen or ibuprofen-containing drugs for one week prior to surgery. Examples of these include Aspergum, Darvon,Fiorinal, Norgesic, Advil, Motrin and many over-the-counter cough and cold preparations. Additionally, you should not take any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Naprosyn which have a similar effect. If you are on this type of medication, please discuss this matter directly with us before stopping it.
- Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight prior to surgery.
- Your physician will provide you with prescriptions for medications to take at home following surgery. Please prepare by filling your prescriptions prior to your surgery. Take only the medications prescribed by your physician(s).
- Any pain medications prescribed by our physicians are safe to use in the post-operative period. For children, liquid acetaminophen (brand names Tempra and Tylenol) may be used with a dosage determined by the age of the child. Adults may use tablets or capsules of acetaminophen with the same brand names.
- Sleep with your head elevated on two or three pillows. Avoid sleeping on or rolling over on your face or nose.
- Avoid foods that require prolonged or excessive chewing. Otherwise, diet has no restrictions.
- In the immediate post-operative period (7-10 days),supplemental humidity as supplied by a cold water humidifier will help in your comfort. This is especially important during cold weather months. It is important to clean your humidifier daily, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Avoid extreme or strenuous activity. Obtain more rest than normal. Most patients stay out of work or school for about two days. Circumstances surrounding your employment may allow you to return sooner or require that you stay out longer.
- Avoid nose blowing. If you sneeze, open your mouth.
- Brush teeth gently with a soft toothbrush and avoid manipulation of the upper lip.
- Take tub baths until the dressings are removed. Avoid hot showers. If you absolutely must shower, be careful to avoid splashing water on your face and dressings. DO NOT GET THE DRESSINGS WET until your nasal splint is removed. Have someone wash your hair for you. This should be done with your head extended backwards so that washing and rinsing will be done away from the face.
- Wear clothing that fastens in the front or the back for one week. Avoid slip over sweaters,turtlenecks, etc.
- Absolutely avoid the sun and sunlamps for two weeks after surgery. In addition, extremes of heat or cold may be irritating to the nose and may cause it to swell upwards of twelve weeks after surgery.
- Do not swim for three weeks after surgery.
- Eyeglasses must not be worn in the standard fashion for at least three weeks after surgery. If you wear glasses, please notify us.
- If you have visual disturbances such as blurred vision,double vision, etc., please contact our office.
- Contact lenses may be worn within one week after surgery.
- Do not be concerned if, following removal of the dressings,the nose, eyes and upper lip show some swelling and discoloration; this usually clears in one to two weeks. In certain patients, it may require six weeks for all of the swelling to completely subside.
If you have any questions regarding your comfort or care, please contact our office at (610) 879-0068.