Voice Care Tips
- Smoke and Fumes (If you smoke, STOP NOW!)
- Hot Beverages - especially those containing caffeine
- Alcohol
- Dairy products and Chocolate
- Throat clearing and coughing
- Yelling and screaming
- Whispering
- Weight Lifting
- Gargling
- Hot, spicy foods
- Cut down on talking as much as possible
- Use total voice rest for at least one hour per day
- Drink lots of water
- Suck on hard candies or lozenges. Lemon drops are best
- Keep your environment humid, especially the bedroom (a cool mist humidifier is helpful)
- Exercise daily
- Head and neck exercises (see below)
If you must cough, cough silently using lots of air.
Head & Neck Exercises (do each 10 times):
- Shoulder Shrugs
- Slow Head Rolls
- Head drops up & down